Sunday, March 31, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

More Juice!

This is a new one that just came out! Looks good.

On Tuesday night, Gramma called and invited us over for supper. It was the hardest thing ever! Definitely the most self control I've had to exert for a while! She made homemade sweet and sour meatballs. And man, those things are good! And of course, she made us take the leftovers home, and then they had them for supper yesterday! Aww! 

This is the one I drank instead of meatballs. And... Yuck. I put way too much cucumber in! It was hard going down!

This morning I made one with a ton of strawberries, 1 carrot, 1 red apple, 2 handfuls of kale, and something else I can't remember. It was pretty good. Oh! It was a half of a pear.

Wanna see all the fruits and vegetables I got? $61.22 dollars worth!
This is actually minus 4 cucumbers and 2 big bags of kale. It's not quite equal part of fruits and veggies, but... I like fruit better!
It's sweeter!

So I've been doing good. Nothing but fruits and vegetables. I haven't snuck anything! Yesterday Mom made this stir-fry, but I actually was able to sit at the table and eat with them. Only I had a huge plate of vegetables which were actually really good, and a bowl of honeydew melon. Amazing stuff right there... (Sorry Britt... I know how much you... *Love* it! lol.)

Yep. I'm finally over the caffeine headache. That wasn't fun. I LOVE Starbucks coffee with hazelnut creamer! Awww! Withdrawal!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Juicing - Day #1

This is going to be different! Josh kept bugging me all week to watch this Health Show. So I finally watched it and was -I guess you could say- inspired! 

Basically it's about this guy, Joe Cross, who was extremely over weight and very very sick. He got tired of being fat and sick, so he got a juicer and started juicing fruits and vegetables. And that became his "food" for the next 60 days. He did sort of a "juice fast". He lost a ton of weight, his sickness is completely gone, (no more pills) and he is now very healthy and happy! He obviously didn't go back to eating a million burgers and pizzas though! He has stayed with a very good nutritious diet.

Here is his blog. It explains things much better than I can! Watch the video first.

I knew I wanted to do this before I even finished the movie, but I knew it was gunna cost me a lot of money buying a ton of fruits and vegetables. So when Gramma called Mom and asked her if she wanted to go to BJ's, I was super duper excited! BJ's is kinda like Sam's Club, where they sell bulk items. And buying bulk items means you save money! YEA! So I went with them yesterday, bought a ton of fruits and vegetables, and then Gramma took us out to Chinese with my aunt Wendy. It was kinda like my "last supper". 

And for all of you that are frieking out right now... no! I'm not doing it for 60 days! Lol. And I'm not looking to lose 50 pounds either. I just want to be healthier, have more energy, and just feel better about myself. And yea... losing a few pounds would make me quite happy! 

Lately, my neighbor died, Grampa had a heart attack, other Grampa has cancer, Gramma broke both her feet, Mom and Dad didn't take care of themselves when they were young and are definitely feeling the effects now. So being around all that, I don't want to be 40 and look back and say, "Wow... I really wish I took better care of my body when I was young." I don't want to regret the BEST years of my life!

So... you guys will be my accountability for the next few days... even though I have no clue if anybody even reads this! (You guys should become followers! It would make me so happy!)

So... here's my first juicing experience!

Honey Dew Melon

 And this is what composed my first juice. You should juice more vegetables, but I accidentally left some of mine in Gramma's cooler! Oops! So mine was mainly fruits, which is fine cause it was breakfast!
 Mom's juicer that I shall be borrowing quite often now!

 All done! I shouldn't have filled this whole thing up, because it barely fit in my cup.

 I was so scared to open up the juicer... I thought there would be a ton of pulpy stuff. But this is all there was! I was soooooo surprised and extremely happy! I didn't feel like I was wasting any money at all. 

So I used:
- a few tablespoons of blueberries
- 2 red apples
- 3 strawberries
- 2 celery stalks
- about a cup and a half of honeydew melon (You can juice the rind, although I highly recommend SCRUBBING the outside very well!)
- a quarter of a grapefruit. I will use a little less than that next time.

And that filled up my big blue straw cup! It's already 9:50 and I'm not even hungry yet! Weird... cause usually I'm already starving by 9:30.

And that's it! I'll be posting more of my juicing experiences soon!

And again, if this makes no sense to you, watch the video!

Thanks for reading!

- Jennifer -